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Best Surf Spots in Costa Rica


The country of Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world for surfing. Its pristine beaches and ultra-cool Pacific Coast waters makes it an outstanding place for sun, fun and surf. When surfers go to Costa Rica to tackle some waves there are specific beach areas they like to visit. Here is a list of some of the best beach areas inside of Costa Rica that provide the best surfing experience.

Playa Guiones

Guiones is a beach area that is a perfect spot for beginning surfers. This particular beach area is located in the province of Guanacaste along the coast line of the northwestern part of the country. This beach area is very popular with tourists and it is loaded with lots of schools that teach the art of surfing.

Playa Grande

Grande Beach is a premiere surfing spot inside of Costa Rica. Many people constantly travel to this each area to partake in the waves. Surfing areas inside of Grande are loaded with breaks which makes surfing interesting and fun. Grande Beach is also known as Salinas and it is located just north of the town of Tamarindo. This area is also a beach community.

Witch’s Rock

The beach areas in witch’s rock is a great place for surfing. It is an isolated place because it is a difficult place to access. Witch’s Rock is located Guanacaste and it has huge waves that really challenge surfers. The hide tides make this surfing area a prime location for this activity.

Black Beach

The Black Beach area in Costa Rica is a popular surf area that is known for its quick waves and strong breaks. This beach is situated near Avellana Beach along the coast and is a great location for getting some easy surfing and fun.


Pavones is a beach area for serious surfers. The waves here are extremely challenging and the breaks are extremely long. A surfer will have to keep moving along the breaks and will have to be in good condition. This particular surfing spot is only for advanced surfers.

Salsa Brava

Salsa Brava is located on the eastern side of the country along the coastline. The waves in this area move fast and hard. Surfers will have to be up to skill to handle this waves in this area.


Hermosa is located near Jaco beach and this is a very versatile surfing area. It moves fast and hard and then it calm down on a whim. Playa Hermosa is a great place to surf and it is another place where experienced surfers are recommended to travel.


Tamarindo is a popular surf area that has surfing schools and lots of shops. This is a great place for surfing because of the swells and crisp moving waves. This place provides a relaxing time for beginners and immediate surfers. This place provides the perfect area for beginning surfers to learn this craft and to develop their fundamentals.

These are not the only highly rated surfing areas inside of Costa Rica. However, the locations mentioned here are among the best in the country. The best time to visit these areas is between December and April during the summer months. While the water is relatively warm, in the colder periods you’ll want to bring your best surf booties with you so you can stay out in the water longer. The surfing areas inside of Costa Rica are among the best in the world.

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